BlueCielo Meridian GCF/SharePoint 2012 SP1 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About configuring GCF/SharePoint > Specifying the path for imported documents

Specifying the path for imported documents

To specify the path for new documents imported into Meridian Enterprise from SharePoint, add two VBScript functions named InitiateFolderPath and FolderPath to the vault’s event code. These functions should be customized with variables that correspond to folder names in the vault to which the documents will be imported.

For example, consider a scenario where contractor documents are stored in SharePoint subsites where each sub-site name is the contractor name and the documents have values for the columns ProjectCode and Discipline. In Meridian Enterprise, the documents should be imported to the path:


In this scenario, definitions of the InitiateFolderPath and FolderPath functions would look like the following:

Function InitiateFolderPath()
  InitiateFolderPath = "ProjectCode;Discipline"
End Function

Function FolderPath(GCFShare, SiteUrl, Library, SpFolder, props)
  Dim urls, site        ' Site name:
  urls = Split(SiteUrl, "/", -1, vbTextCompare)
  If IsArray(urls) Then
    site = urls(Ubound(urls))
    ' Document properties in briefcase:
    Dim ProjectCode, Discipline
    If IsArray(props) Then
      ProjectCode = props(0)
      Discipline = props(1)
      FolderPath = Array("Contractors",site,ProjectCode,Discipline) ' Return path array
    End If
  End If
End Function

Note    The preceding example assumes that the vault’s Field-Path definition is not appropriate for the imported contractor files, such as if the Field-Path definition was organized in a project-oriented hierarchy. Conversely, if the Field-Path definition is appropriate and the vault’s entire folder structure is controlled by the Field-Path definition, the properties can be populated in SharePoint and the FolderPath function is not necessary.

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Mapping SharePoint columns to Meridian Enterprise properties

Mapping SharePoint content types to Meridian Enterprise document types

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